Monday, March 29, 2010

Relaxation Techniques Part 1: Deep breathing

Deep breathing techniques for relaxation
Deep breathing
1. Stand with your feet apart and your arms hanging loosely by your sides.

2. Close your eyes and let your head fall forward.

3. Breathe in slowly through your nose. Draw in the air deeply, allowing first your abdomen, then your lungs to expand. (view illustration above)

4. Hold your breath gently for a while.

5. Breathe out slowly through your nose. Take your time.

6. Repeat the deep breaths until you feel relaxed.

7. Then slowly open your eyes.

Muscle relaxation
Fist clench
1. Sit on a comfortable chair
2. Close your eyes.
3. Clench one fist tightly. Hold the tension for a few seconds and concentrate on it.
4. Then release the tension very slowly. Feel the tension draining out of your hand.
5. Repeat this exercise with any part of your body - face, scalp, eyes, shoulders, abdomen, buttocks, arms and legs.

Mental Relaxation
Mental Relax
1. Switch on some soft music.
2. Sit on a comfortable chair or lie down.
3. Close your eyes.
4. Relax all your muscles and let your body go limp.
5. Think of a pleasant, soothing image such as a blue mountain lake...gentle lapping waves...leaves rustling in a soft wind....
6. Do some deep breathing if you like or listen to a "taped relaxation message".
7. Continue until you feel very relaxed.


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