Thursday, November 26, 2009

Appreciation of Things around your life


Ever wondered why some people are so positive ? You can be like them!! Start now by appreciating whatever that is around you. Your family, friends, the cool breeze, your warm blanket...etc..etc
Giving thanks and appreciating whatever we have is an important mentality that we should all have. Having appreciation of the people and things around you makes you a happier person rather than to complain and compare with others. I'll recommend everyone to find a quiet space ,pull out a piece of paper and jot down as much things as possible as you think of all the wonderful things you have around you in your life right now. As you think of how lucky you are it'll help you relax and view your world in a different perspective. I chanced upon this writer that started a blog called Naked Thanks. You can visit their blog at .

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Pick Healthy Food

Your choice of food can make a difference!!
By taking less sugar especially those found in sweet soft drinks, soda, pastries, coffee (caffeine drinks). Carbonhydrates, such as pasta can also be converted easily into sugar. These type of sugar can affect our energy level as well as our mood. Having warm water, herbal tea (camomile tea) can help us to relax better.

For a start as you exclude sugar from your diet and meals, you may continue to have strong cravings for them and might feel agitated. Be firm! After a couple of days, the cravings will begin to subside and you'll feel more calm than usual.

Fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains which are free of refined sugar does wonders too! Try apples, grapes, carrots, broccoli, brown rice or whole grain breads.

For a better source of energy take proteins. Chicken, fish, whole grains, low-fat dairy or dark leafy vegetables are good examples of low-calorie protein (You can eat plenty of them).

Multi-vitamin helps as well due to the fact that our body lacks certain vitamins as the food we consume daily may not have the vitamins we need in our body. These multi-vitamins help us to fill in those vitamins we lack. Some vitamins can even help relieve stress.

Focusing on the Positive !

Focus and think positive. Shift your focus on the beauty and good side in everything. Negativity can be very contagious, avoid or spend less time with negative people that are constantly blaming people, complaining about things or angry about things. They'll tell you things that stops you from moving forward, saying it's hard ...or how all their friends failed at doing something or saying you're not good enough (that includes your relatives, friends even family members) Read a book or an article that makes you think positive. Read about a leader, such as Martin Luther King or Frankl's writings about the mind. Inspirational thoughts can lead to a more positive outlook on life and add new energy. I would recommend this book "Unlimited Power" by Anthony Robbins.

Relaxation is Important

As technology advances and the pace of our life speeds up. The stress of Modern life can make relaxation a mere dream. There is no reason that life has to be filled with anxiety and stress. Relaxation has become an important and essential part of our life. We all know that stress creates problems on our health and relationships. Some suffer from having difficulty in sleeping, some overeat, some have personalities change or withdrawal. All kinds of problems can been seen as people react to stress in different ways.Therefore the best way to stay happy and healthy is to learn how to relax.

Rediscover the enjoyment in life as you take some time to learn the Art of Relaxation. Always remember that the secret path to relaxation is a controlled state of mind. You may be spending hours in a relaxing health spa, but if you spend your whole time there worrying and stressing about what's happening tomorrow, how in the world will you be able to relax?
This blog will document tips and ways to aid relaxation.