Monday, October 10, 2011

Top Six Most Popular Korean BB Creams

What is BB cream? BB cream stands for blemish balm cream. It was originally invented by German dermatologists for patients who have undergone laser skin surgery to soothe, heal and regenerate their skin. Later on, Korean celebrities adapted this formula and started using BB cream for creating the natural flawless skin look. Now it has become one of the hottest beauty trends in Asia.

BB cream is a cosmetic product that combines foundation, moisturizer and concealer all in one, perfectly suitable for a busy girl’s daily makeup use. How to use it? It is recommended to do the basic skincare before applying BB cream. And be sure to clean it thoroughly after use. When applying BB cream, use as little as possible. A small pea size amount will be enough to cover the whole face. Applying too much BB cream will make the face look pale and fake.

In this article, I will share with you the top six most popular BB cream product reviews and comparison.

BRTC Jasmine water

Easy to blend: 5/5
Coverage: 4/5
Moisturizing: 5/5
Oil-Control: 5/5
Overall comments: BRTC Jasmine water BB cream is the best rated product so far. It has good balance of moisturizing and oil-control, suitable for all kinds of skin types. Light to medium coverage. The looks are very light, natural and long lasting. But, good things come at an expensive price.

Skin79 Diamond

Easy to blend: 5/5
Coverage: 3.5/5
Moisturizing: 4/5
Oil-Control: 3.5/5
Overall comments: This BB cream is best known for creating the flawless natural look. It provides decent/light coverage. The moisturizing effect is good, but not enough for dry skin. Generally brightens up yellow/fair complexion. However, it is not recommended for sensitive skins, since many have experienced break out.
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Tell the FDA to Label My Food

Sometimes have you wondered where or how you got your foodstuff from? Do you know what you're REALLY eating?

In a country that labels everything from cosmetics to cleaning agents, it’s surprising that there are no laws in the U.S. requiring labeling of genetically engineered foods.

The FDA undertakes no GMO safety testing on its own. Instead, they allow companies like Monsanto, who told us that their DDT, PCBs, and Agent Orange was safe, to determine if their GMOs are safe. Internal FDA documents revealed that the agency’s own scientists warned of serious health risks, and urged long-term testing–but were denied. Now many doctors prescribe non-GMO diets, citing serious health disorders in lab animals fed GMOs. Don’t be a lab animal!

There are many reasons why Americans want labeling of genetically engineered foods. Whatever the reason is that brought you here, what unites us all is that we all want to make informed choices about the food we eat and feed our families. We have a right to know if what we are eating has been genetically engineered.

We all have a right to know what’s in our food.

Consumerism, GMOs, Health & Disease — by Jeffrey M. Smith October 5, 2011

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Foods that fight fat

In a Society that being slim is the "In" thing to do. You don't have to alter your diet too much to lose weight. Everyday food can help you win the battle against the bulge. Here are 7 foods that will help:
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Are all "detox" are good for you?

In this body-conscious world where airbrushed models are considered the norm, Did you know that, one in 20 women would rather lose a limb than be obese? this is no surprise. But while it may be tempting to engage in one of the many extreme detox diets, you should keep in mind that while it may seem that you’re losing weight, you’re actually doing more harm to your body than good.

"Cleanse" everyday with a healthy lifestyle

Extreme detox or cleansing diets promise significant and dramatic weight loss within a short period of time. You’re asked to eliminate certain food groups in a detox diet, and stick to a strict food regimen that, most often, contain less than your recommended daily calorie intake. Such a diet will, naturally, cause you to lose weight, since weight loss happens when you eat fewer calories than what you have to burn. But most of the weight lost will most likely be gained back after your supposed “cleanse”.

Not only that, but when you drastically eliminate certain food groups from your diet, you’ll be depriving your body of much-needed proteins, fat, calcium, and carbohydrates. Studies have also shown that when you scrimp on calories, you stop producing a hormone called IGF1, which reduces thyroid and other hormones in your body, including insulin.

Implications on hair and skin

It’s a known fact that whatever you feed your body will affect your skin, hair, and even mood (which explains why a certain Dream Girls singer-actress claimed that the Master Cleanse made her successfully drop the pounds but in turn made her “evil”). So imagine if you suddenly switch to a drastic diet that consisted of only drinking liquids or of munching on grapefruit alone. You’ll be depriving your skin and hair of nutrients it needs to be in tip-top shape!

For example, going on a low-protein diet could leave you with dry, dull, and damaged hair. That’s because hair is made up of 97% protein! Depriving yourself of certain fruits and veggies (just because it’s not “in the handbook” of a certain detox ritual) could rob your body of antioxidants, which helps fight free radicals in the skin—the very same baddies that can cause premature aging.

“Detox” the “Right” Way

So should you just suffer lugging around those pesky five pounds that you just can’t seem to lose? Not really. You can still do a “detox diet”, but the key is to do it the right way by eating the right kinds of foods.

Our bodies are already equipped with organs that flush out toxins for us, whether we down “diet juices” or not. (They’re called our kidneys and liver.) The reason why people crave cleanses is because they feel they’ve been ingesting too many toxins and need to have them flushed out. So how about preventing having to do flushes by living and maintaining a healthy lifestyle in the first place?

It’s a fact that people eat too much food anyway—food that’s loaded with unnecessary sugar and saturated fats. Not to mention those who guzzle alcohol and smoke cigarettes on a daily basis. Cutting out such bad habits is a “cleanse” on its own, since you’ll be eliminating the cause of “toxins” in the body.

So what kinds of food should you be chowing down on? A healthy gauge is to follow the food pyramid, with its proper portioning of sugar, meat, veggies, and carbs. To keep your skin glowing and supple, stock-up on foods high in antioxidants, such as pecans, blueberries, and red beans. To avoid getting lifeless hair, ditch the greasy chicken wings for some baked salmon—its high levels of Omega-3 acids are great for strengthening and maintaining lustrous hair.

In short, a healthy diet is one that you stick with, not one that you just undergo for a few days, a week, or a month. That’s because a “diet” shouldn’t only be seen as a one-time “event”, but instead, as a lifestyle. Many people dread the word “diet” because to them, it involves depriving yourself of certain foods. You don’t have to eliminate chocolate or sweets from your life. You just have to learn to eat them in moderation.

Of course, some people might have special dietary needs—so if you’re really serious about “detoxifying” your lifestyle, don’t buy a book about the latest trendy detox diet in the bookstore. Instead, head to a nutritionist’s office for a consult.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

5 good skin habits your mother should’ve told you

They say a habit – good or bad – is formed after 30 days. Your skin’s glow and (and your money!) can be saved if you get into these 5 daily good skin practices now. When you are older, it will be too late. Your mum can’t turn back the clock but you can certainly slow yours down and be on the road to looking fabulous before you can say “Joan Rivers” or be addressed as “Auntie” way before your time.

Dont just moisturise – but moisturise correctly for your age.
Koreans maintain this appeal with a 5-step skincare regimen: clean, massage, tone, essence, and moisturize.

Habit #1: Wash off all your makeup at night no matter what.
This will save you from:
“Microdermabrasion” – pores that are not properly cleansed of impurities will dull and stretch becoming larger, therefore prematurely showing signs of ageing.

Habit #2: Drink water every day.
This will save you from:
Injectable fillers (like Restylane). Skin remains hydrated and retains elasticity, resulting in supple youthful appearance.
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3 little known habits that can help prevent acne

Good skin is always attractive, and is always in fashion.

One of the pleasant "side effects" of good health is good skin. The skin is a reflection of what is going on inside. So fix it from the inside.

Most creams and lotions only work on symptoms and don't hit the root causes of acne. Either you adapt to them and keep needing more and more, or they dry out your skin and make it less smooth. Or both!

Anti-biotics are another common "solution" but they damage the good bacteria as well, causing side effects like poor digestion. So we can't take these for a long period either.

While every case is different, and acne has many possible causes, good habits will help you increase your chance of clearing up your skin.

In fact, many of our clients report improved skin conditions within a few weeks of starting these health building habits. So here are 3 things that build health and bust pimples. The principles are simple - reduce the factors that cause acne, and we are likely to be successful.

1. Build digestive tract health
Your digestive system is your body's first line of defense against bacteria. To make it strong we must not keep stressing it. The foods that cause the most problems are:
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